U.S. High School Bowling Foundation



2025 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP..... 2024. / .2023 ...
2016. /. 2017 ./. 2018. / .2019. / .*2020. / .2021. / .2022

.U.S. High School Bowling
. National Championship

. June 8-10, 2024- -- Lancaster, Pennsylvania

. Welcome letter from the Lancaster County Commission .

USHSBNC Tournament Records

2024 2024....
- Girls Team - 2.0
M.P. Harlem HS ...
ILLINOIS 2024 .....
- Boys Team-
Ashland HS
- Girls Singles -
Maggie Porter
- Boys Singles -
Kai Strothers

SINGLES - ALL Survivor Round Results

Boys Champion = 249.......................................................... Girls Champion = 248
Boys Singles - ALL Survivor Rounds. .......................................Girls Singles - ALL Survivor Rounds


- SINGLES - Qualifying Results

Boys Singles Qualifying - TOP 150 Cut = 780 .......................... Girls Singles Qualifying - TOP 80 = 724 724
Boys Singles - Qualifying Results. .......................................Girls Singles - Qualifying Results


TEAM - Survivor Round 4 - FINAL RESULTS .
(Championship Match)

Boys Team Survivor Round 4 - CHAMPIONSHIP = 603 ............. Girls Team Survivor Round 4 - CHAMPIONSHIP = 565.
Boys Team - Survivor Round 4 ....................................... Girls Team - Survivor Round 4

Team - Survivor Round 3 Results

Boys Team Survivor Round 3 - 2/3/4 Playoff = .595 ........... Girls Team Survivor Round 3 - 2/3/4 Playoff = 647
Boys Team - Survivor Round 3. ..................................... Girls Team - Survivor Round 3

Team - Survivor Round 2 Results

Boys Team Survivor Round 2- TOP 8 Cut = .4,516........... Girls Team Survivor Round 2 - TOP 8 Cut = 4,043
Boys Team - Survivor Round 2 ...................................... Girls Team - Survivor Round 2


Teams - Survivor Round 1 Results

Boys Team Survivor Round 1 - TOP 8 Cut = .3,850 ........... Girls Team Survivor Round 1 - TOP 8 Cut = 3,513
Boys Team - Survivor Round 1 ..................................... Girls Team - Survivor Round 1


Teams - Qualifying Results.

Boys Team Qualifying - TOP 16 Cut = 3,134............ Girls Team Qualifying - TOP 16 Cut = 2,833
.... Boys Team - Qualifying Results...............................Girls Team - Qualifying Results

The U.S. High School Bowling Foundation will be hosting the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on June 8-10, 2024.. This will be the eighth national championship post-season event showcasing the best boys and girls high school bowlers from across the country... and to promote the importance and growth of high school bowling across the United States!

The 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM is a three-day competition featuring both "Singles" and "Team" events in both Boys and Girls divisions.. Day 1, all high school teams will be competing in the "Team" event in their respective divisions... Day 2 and 3, all bowlers will be competing in the "Singles" event, also in their respective divisions.. This competition will be a USBC Certified tournament..

The format of "Team" event and "Singles" event will each consist of a qualifying round, leading into the "Survivor" elimination rounds.. The "Survivor" elimination format was specifically designed to provide maximum opportunity for more bowlers to advance further during each day's competition. Click here to see the Team format and Singles format.

The USHSBF congratulates all of the bowlers who will be representing their respective States and High Schools during the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM.

National Champions in 4 Divisions
Girls "Singles" & Boys "Singles"
Girls "Team" & Boys "Team"

Winners will each earn national championship RINGS! Any bowler winning both the "Singles" and "Team" events, will receive their Team ring along with specially designed Singles ring showcasing the achievment of winning both championships in a single year!

We. are. excited. to. continue. our. partnership. with RecruitUS. Click the link to see the country's premier recruiting portal for bowling colleges!. I!.

WWW.RECRUITUS.NET .....RecruitUS on Facebook

ELIGIBILITY #1:..Must have qualified in the most recent high school bowling State Championship, State Finals, etc. or its equivalent.. All State high school bowling programs are eligible to compete in the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM.. School teams must be made up only those who were listed on the submitted school team roster submitted to their respective State high school bowling tournament organization. .This INCLUDES graduating/graduated Seniors, if they were a part of this current 2023/24 State Championships, Finals, etc. .

ELIGIBILITY #2:..Any team or individual bowler that set a new State or National RECORD during the current season automatically earns eligibility to enter anytime into the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM tournament, regardless of whether they do or do not qualify for their most recent State Championship, State Finals, etc. or its equivalent.

ELIGIBILITY #3: BAKER 300 Game - Any high school team to roll a Baker 300 Game during the 2023/24 High School Bowling season match or tournament are automatically eligible and invited to compete in the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM tournament.


TEAMS - The *two (2) highest ranked teams that did not qualify for their respective State Finals are eligible to enter the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM tournament. .Maximum of *two (2) boys and girls TEAM Wild Card entries per State.

SINGLES - The *two (2) highest ranked individuals that did not qualify for their respective State Finals are eligible to enter the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM tournament. .Maximum of *two (2) boys and girls SINGLES Wild Card entries per State.

*HOST STATE WILD CARDS - New for 2024, the host state has up to four (4) highest ranked Boys and Girls teams and four (4) highest ranked Boys and Girls Singles, that did not qualify for their respective State Finals are eligible to enter the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM tournament.

"RANKING" is determined by each State. If no State ranking is available, then the highest non-State qualifying teams and individuals from the last event prior to the State Finals. Wild Cards entries are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

WILD CARD entries must provide their final standings in their respective Regional, Sectional, District, etc. that immediately precede their State Finals in order to be Wild Card eligible.

DISQUALIFICATION:. ANY Singles entry and/or school team found to have one or more bowlers competing in the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM that did not participate is their most recent high school bowling State Championship, Finals, etc., OR is an approved WILD CARD entry, will be DISQUALIFIED from the competition and will forfeit their entry fee, standing in the tournament, and any prizes they may have received.

RULES / REQUIREMENTS / RESTRICTIONS - Link to Tournament Info & Rules

Teams will consist of schools with a roster of at least five (5) and no more than eight (8) bowlers; traditionally, boys only and a girls only teams. However, a boys team may include girls (aka, co-ed or unified team) provided that is how that school team participated during their respective State Finals.

No additions to a school teams roster from how they registered and participated in their respective State Championship is permitted during the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National Championship. *See DISQUALIFICATION regarding violations of this rule.

There is no minimum number of bowlers on a school team's roster though a team consists of five (5) bowlers. However, a score of zero (0) will be scored in any frame for absent or missing bowlers during any regular or BAKER game.

The top-5 bowlers entered in the "Team" Event are automatically eligible and entered into Sunday's "Singles" Event. Participation and/or completion of the "Singles" event is not required.

TEAM UNIFORMS: ALL bowlers are requested to wear matching school/team uniforms during all competition events during the 2024 U.S. High School Bowling National Championship. If your official high school bowling jersey's are not available, we request bowlers were their school colors. Black or khaki bottoms are always a good neutral color to compliment your school jersey or school colored shirts.

Girls can wear virtually any type of clothing bottom -- skirts, shorts, skorts, pants -- as long as it is not jeans and are appropriate in length. Boys simply need to wear long slacks that are not jeans.

The following clothing is NOT permitted during the U.S. High School Bowling National Championship:

  • No competitor tournament jerseys or jerseys with bowling ball company jerseys are permitted.
  • No hats, t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, cutoffs, jeans are permitted during Team or Singles competition of the U.S. High School Bowling National Championship.

BOWLING BALLS:: Officially, there is no limit on bowling balls. With that said, we ask each bowler bring no more than TWO bowling bags.


Q:. Is the school coach required to attend his/her team or individual at Nationals?
A:. No. There is no requirement for a team or individual to have a coach present at Nationals.

Q:. Is a school official required to enter a team or individual into Nationals?
A:. No. While it is encouraged for school officials to support their bowlers to compete at Nationals, it is not required.
Anyone can submit a team and/or individual into Nationals, provided that team or individual has qualified or is a Wild Card for Nationals.

Q:. What is the entry deadline for Nationals and do you accept late entries?
A:. May 1st. However, last minutes crises happen and we do accept late entries IF there is space available. It should be noted that Nationals has
sold-out every year since its inception in 2016.

U.S. High School Bowling National Championship

...................... DATES:.....June 8-10, 2024

......................VENUE:.....Leisure Lanes (52 lanes)
............ .......................................
3440 Columbia Avenue
............ .......................................Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 392-2121

........................OIL PATTERN: .... Modified House Shot . Click for 2024 Tournament Pattern (PDF)
.... ......................... OIL TYPE: .... Infinity Lane Conditioner by Kegel
.....................LANE SURFACE:..... DBA-IQ Synthetic Lanes - Installed in 1992
...................... APPROACHES:......WOOD Approaches


.................... ...HOST:.... U.S. High School Bowling Foundation
6687 NW 110 Way
Parkland, Florida 33076

..................CONTACT:.. . Michael Nyitray, Tournament Director
..(954) 816-1394 --- worldmike@aol.com

>> updated schedule in yellow text <<

...... Friday, 6/7 - PRACTICE (all practice shifts will have a fresh clean & strip tournament pattern)
.................................. >> 12 noon to 2 p.m. >> 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. >> 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

> Please call Leisure Lanes to place your practice lanes reservation (717) 392-2121

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...... Saturday, 6/8 - Girls Team Qualifying:::9 a.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lanes)
.......................................... "Girls Team - A Shift" teams may enter the bowling center from 8 to 8:15 a.m. (Lane 1, 5, 9, 13, ect.)
.......................................... "Girls Team - B Shift" teams may enter the bowling center from 8:15 to 8:30 a.m. (Lane 3, 7, 11, 15, ect.)

Saturday, 6/8 - Boys Team Qualifying:::2 p.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lanes)
.......................................... "Boys Team - A Shift" teams may enter the bowling center from 1 to 1:15 p.m. (Lane 1, 5, 9, 13, ect.)
.......................................... "Boys Team - B Shift" teams may enter the bowling center from 1:15 to 1:30 p.m. (Lane 3, 7, 11, 15, ect.)

.......Saturday, 6/8 - BOTH Boys & Girls Teams Survivor Round 1:::7 p.m.
.......................................... (Girls Team advancers may enter the bowling center from 6 to 6:15 p.m.)
.......................................... (Boys Team advancers may enter the bowling center from 6:15 to 6:30 p.m.)

.............................................................. Team Championships will conclude approx. 10 p.m.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

.......Sunday, 6/9 - Boys SINGLES Qualifying:: 9 a.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lanes)
..................................... "Boys Singles bowlers may enter the bowling center from 8 to 8:30 a.m.

.......Sunday, 6/9 - Dual Girls & Boys SINGLES Qualifying:: 2 p.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lane)
..................................... "DUAL Singles bowlers may enter the bowling center from 1 to 1:30 p.m.
.................................>> Only the Boys advancers (cut number) will be announced at approximately 6 p.m. <<

.......Sunday, 6/9 - Girls SINGLES Qualifying:: 7 p.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lane)
..................................... "DUAL Singles bowlers may enter the bowling center from 6 to 6:30 p.m.
.................................>> The Girls advancers (cut number) will be announced at approximately 10 p.m. <<

................ The Top 140 Boys and Top 100 Girls advance to Monday's Singles Survivors Round 1 at 9 a.m.
"Survivor Round 1" advancers may enter the bowling center from 8 to 8:30 a.m.

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.......Monday, 6/10 - BOTH Boys & Girls SINGLES Survivor Round 1:: 9 a.m. (no check-in / go directly to your assigned lane)
..................................... "Survivor Round 1" advancers may enter the bowling center from 8 to 8:30 a.m.

................................................................. Singles Championships will conclude approx. 3 to 4 p.m


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>>> NEXT YEAR <<<

2025 U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM
Fort Wayne, Indiana
(3 days) June 7-9, 2025 (3 days)
Saturday - Team // Sunday & Monday - Singles

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U.S. High School Bowling Foundation's policy regarding All-Star and Postseason contests

  • All future U.S. High School Bowling National Championship competitions will only be scheduled during the summertime; between the calendar dates of June 1st and July 31st, so to not interfere with class time during the regular academic season.
  • Consistent with the principle of a culminating event, the U.S. High School Bowling Foundation will only schedule one (1) U.S. High School Bowling National ChampionshipTM per year/season.
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The NFHS can neither grant nor refuse permission for any high school to attend any event. That function is not within the organization’s jurisdiction. Inquiries regarding permissibility should be directed to the schools themselves, and to their respective state high school associations.

Michael Nyitray, President of the USHSBF, is also a USBC Gold Certified Coach... view his website at: www.worldmike.com